Our birthdays are only 5 days apart ;)
So went to the titanic exhibition yesterday at Marina Bay Sands.
If you are at least a tad bit interested in Titanic or exhibitions,
its the right place for you to go!
It's really interesting yet sad to see what the people had gone through.
They even have some stuff where you can experience what they felt.
Like where the view is like if you were to see on the Titanic itself and they also have the iceberg annd its DAMN COLD.
It's really sad that more than 1000 went through it.
So many tragedies and how some of the survivors sacrificed on their loved ones too....
Too bad they didn't allow pictures :(

Everyone had a shipping pass with real passenger name on it and their story.
Quite cool.

Anyway i bought the food weighing machine and timer for him.
Haha super random but his wish shall be granted by me~~~Had steamboat with his friends and that probably ended the day.
Anyway, I feel like dyeing my hair again............... :(
Need to get a job like ASAP.
Anybody wanna find with me please tell me!
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