-Dedicated this to 4 of them (you know who you are!)
The more i meet them, the more I can't believe its a new beginning next week.
I'm so glad I get to meet them today!
Spend some awesome time with them at Hard Rock hotel.
It really made me realised how fast 1 year just flew past zzzzz.
To my shorty budz xy;
I can remember the very first day i knew who was in my class through school email and i stalked them on fb.
Still remember clearly I came across your profile and i never ever thought that we were become such good friends.
I know sometimes life can be difficult for you at times,
but i know you are strong enough because tough times doesn't last.
Even know we are not superly duperly close,
you know i'm still always here to listen to you if you have problems ;)
To Win, President of Team Slut
Doubt you'll see this but i'm still gonna say that i enjoyed your company for the past 2 years.
Seriously you need to stop pua-stunting because you really missed out a lot with us ugh >:(
I think that we're meant to be together(haha), because who gets to be in the same class in Year 2 with only 1/25 chance? that's us. We even end up together in the randomly picked comm skills group.
But fate decided to end it here for us.
Hope that the last year of poly will be good for you and don't miss me... :(
Being in different groups from you gonna feel weird now..
To kw,
You own self ask me don't write so long hor. haha.
Since we are in the same class, i really hope we will be able to pull through just like how all of us did in sem 2.2.
Just so you know, what you told me about what the Year 3 told you really did motivate me and gave me a puny little hope that we'll do fine. But honestly I know we will.
If we have conquered sem 2.2, I believe Year 3 we will be able to do the same.
P.S. No hard feelings whenever I said "MARK YOU DOWN"!
- no pic :( -
To shaq,
The stubborn kid in our group. Hahaha. Another one who won't see this but still,
you're the most stubborn guy i've ever seen but it was a pleasure to be able to work with you :D
I really respect you because you are the only person that i've seen who jumped about 1.2 points in GPA within 2 years. I really do believe you'll do really well in the future.
Our first ever project :')
So much happened in between but if all of that didn't happened,
I would not have learnt so much.
Last photo together.
Added winnie in using Paint because i don't have photoshop -.-
Hope to see you guys soon.
Pardon me for being so emotional.
I hate times like this. Pffft.
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